5 December 2011

Finally the end of the term is near! It is quite a relief to be mostly done with work for the term. Last week was the review of my essay and my presentation of Ryan’s essay on the Pine Street Inn. Mary Grace presented my essay and she basically touched on all of the main points I hoped a viewer would. I do wonder what an average viewer would say because of course everyone in the class has the bias of all of having read/heard/seen the prior readings, conversations, and photographs in each project. Everyone in the class is looking out for particular rhetorical devices and things that we have discussed, but I wonder if someone with an “untrained” eye would be able to get as much out of the essays… I guess that’s just how the world of of specialization works… I did have a few friends look through my essay before submission and people got most of the obvious points but I do have a disproportionate number of friends who are photographers/photojournalists. I’ll post my essay once I fix some things to my Facebook and see the reactions.

The biggest criticisms brought up were:

  • shifting locations of my navigation arrows
  • the contrast between my background page color and text
  • the sequencing of trash can image and
  • the excess footer info
I can deal with the arrows issue by changing the line of code in the <td> tag containing the arrows from vertical-align: middle to vertical-position: 200px.
I got several suggestions for changing the contrast on the page so make everything less distracting. I’ll likely just lighten the background color of the page so that the images are a little stronger.
The trash can image I will move to just before Vera’s sequence because it absolutely makes the most sense there. I debated whether or not I should include it at all and I’m glad I decided to include it as an experiment because I got just the feedback I needed to decide where it should go. And the excess footer info will be solved by converting all of my posts to pages. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before but both the posts and pages type of posting have a No-Header-Footer template, but it actually removes all the navigation and the title on the page posting. It’ll be tedious, but converting all the posts to pages will mean I won’t have to have each page literally have no title so that it doesn’t show up. Excellent!

Ryan’s photo essay was absolutely gorgeous. He obviously has an eye for design. I would honestly like to have it as a book for a coffee table of mine in the future. His text choices were great and his images were crisp and poignant.






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